Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Lub Tshuab Luam Ntawv Tus IP Chaw Nyob

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Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Lub Tshuab Luam Ntawv Tus IP Chaw Nyob
Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Lub Tshuab Luam Ntawv Tus IP Chaw Nyob

Yuav Paub

  • Txoj kev yooj yim tshaj plaws: Hauv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov, nrhiav View Wireless Details.
  • Tom ntej uas yooj yim tshaj: Hauv Windows, nkag mus Printer Properties thiab mus rau Web Services lossis Ports.
  • Siv cov lus hais kom ua: Nkag mus netstat -r thiab nias Enter.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas thiaj nrhiav tau tus IP chaw nyob ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv network-enabled ntawm koj lub network hauv plaub txoj hauv kev: hauv lub tshuab luam ntawv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov, lub tshuab luam ntawv teeb tsa ntawm koj lub computer, los ntawm kev tshaj tawm, lossis ntawm koj lub router.

Nrhiav lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob siv lub tshuab luam ntawv lub tshuab ua ke

Ntawm cov tshuab luam ntawv feem ntau, qhov kev teeb tsa network pom nyob rau hauv lub tshuab luam ntawv hauv qab Preferences, Options, los yog Wireless Chaw (yog tias nws yog lub tshuab luam ntawv wireless).


Qhov chaw nyob IP rau lub tshuab luam ntawv tuaj yeem tso tawm rau saum toj ntawm lub network teeb tsa dialog box. Yog tias koj tsis pom nws, nyem rau ntawm submenus, xws li View Wireless Details, txhawm rau nrhiav tus IP chaw nyob.


Feem ntau, koj tsis tuaj yeem teeb tsa tus IP chaw nyob no manually. Koj lub wireless router muab IP chaw nyob rau hauv cov khoom siv uas txuas rau koj lub tsev network.

Kos lub tshuab luam ntawv teeb tsa ntawm koj lub computer

Yog tias koj tsis tuaj yeem nkag mus rau lub tshuab luam ntawv lossis yog tias koj tsis xav tshawb hauv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov, nrhiav lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob ntawm txhua lub computer uas lub tshuab luam ntawv teeb tsa.

For Windows

Qhib Control Panel > Devices and printers. Right-click lub tshuab luam ntawv thiab xaiv Properties.


Ib qho ntawm ob pawg ntawm cov tab qhia, nyob ntawm seb hom kev sib txuas ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv tsav tsheb siv. Yog tias lub tshuab luam ntawv teeb tsa nyob rau hauv qhov chaw nres nkoj WSD, nws siv Web Services rau Devices technology los txuas rau lub tshuab luam ntawv. Hauv qhov no, xaiv lub Web Services tab kom pom tus IP chaw nyob ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv teev nyob rau hauv IP chaw nyob


Yog koj tsis pom Web Services tab, ces lub tshuab luam ntawv tau teeb tsa siv TCP / IP chaw nres nkoj. Hauv qhov no, nrhiav tus IP chaw nyob hauv Printer Properties.

  1. In Control Panel, xaiv Devices thiab Printers.

  2. Right-click the printer and select Properties.

  3. Xaiv lub Ports tab. Tus IP chaw nyob yog tso tawm nyob rau hauv Port teb.

  4. Yog koj tsis pom tus IP chaw nyob, xaiv Configure Port kom pom tus IP chaw nyob rau lub tshuab luam ntawv ntawd.

    Txoj kev no txhawm rau nrhiav lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob ua haujlwm rau txhua lub versions ntawm Windows, tab sis cov kauj ruam mus rau Control Paneltuaj yeem sib txawv me ntsis.

    Hauv macOS, lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob yuav tsis pom rau cov tshuab luam ntawv Airprint. Siv ib qho ntawm lwm txoj hauv kev no los nrhiav qhov chaw nyob IP rau lub tshuab luam ntawv xwb.

Nrhiav tus IP chaw nyob los ntawm kev tshaj tawm lus txib

Lwm txoj kev ceev kom nrhiav tau lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob yog nrog cov lus txib kom sai.

For Windows

  1. mus rau Start ntawv qhia thiab nkag mus cmd.

  2. In the Best match ntu, xaiv Command Prompt.

  3. Enter netstat -r thiab nias Enter. Yog tias lub tshuab luam ntawv txuas nrog siv TCP/IP (tsis yog WSD), lub tshuab luam ntawv qhia hauv daim ntawv teev npe Active Routes hauv IPv4 Route Table.


For macOS

  1. Qhib Safari (lossis koj qhov browser xaiv) thiab nkag mus localhost:631/printers kom pom cov npe ntawm cov tshuab luam ntawv thiab cov chaw nyob IP. Cov chaw nyob no tshwm sim hauv kab Qhov chawyog tias muaj cov tshuab luam ntawv.
  2. Thaum siv lub tshuab luam ntawv AirPrint, tus IP yuav tsis tshwm sim siv txoj kev saum toj no. Hauv qhov no, qhib Applications > Utilities > Terminal thiab nkag mus ippfindKoj yuav pom ib yam dab tsi zoo li ipp://yourprinter.local.:631/ipp/port1 , qhov twg koj lub tshuab luam ntawv yog tus lej lej - hauv qhov piv txwv no, 829B95000000.local.
  3. Enter ping yourprinter.local (qhov twg koj lub tshuab luam ntawv yog tus lej lej rov qab los ntawm kauj ruam dhau los). Qhov tshwm sim qhia lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob.

Nrhiav lub tshuab luam ntawv tus IP Chaw Nyob Siv Router

Qhov kev xaiv kawg yog mus ncaj qha rau koj lub router. Lub router tswj tag nrho cov tsheb khiav hauv lub network, yog li lub tshuab luam ntawv IP yuav tsum tau sau npe nyob rau ntawd ua ib qho khoom siv sib txuas. Txhawm rau saib IP, nkag mus rau lub router. Koj yuav xav tau tus thawj tswj ID thiab password rau lub router. Yog tias koj tsis paub, nug leej twg los teeb tsa lub router rau koj.

Ua ntej, koj yuav tsum paub qhov chaw nyob IP chaw nyob. Txawm hais tias hom computer koj siv hauv lub network, qhov no feem ntau yog lossis Yog tsis muaj ob txoj haujlwm no, saib koj li.

For Windows

  1. Click Start thiab nkag mus cmd.
  2. Under Best match, xaiv Command Prompt.
  3. Enter ipconfig. Nco ntsoov qhov chaw nyob IP chaw nyob.

  4. In MacOS, qhib System Preferences > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP. Koj yuav pom qhov chaw nyob qhov chaw nyob ib sab ntawm Router.

  5. Cov kauj ruam yog tib yam txawm hais tias lub operating system tab sis tuaj yeem sib txawv me ntsis nyob ntawm lub chaw tsim khoom router. Qhib lub web browser, thiab ntaus qhov chaw nyob IP chaw nyob (los ntawm cov kauj ruam dhau los) rau hauv qhov chaw nyob bar.
  6. Nyob rau hauv lub router login screen, nkag rau hauv lub router siv tus thawj tswj ID thiab password.
  7. Nyob hauv cov kab ntawv qhia router, xaiv Cov Khoom Txuas Txuas.
  8. In the Host Name teb, xaiv lub tshuab luam ntawv.
  9. Tus IP chaw nyob ntawm lub tshuab luam ntawv muaj npe nyob hauv IPV4 Chaw Nyob.


Yuav ua li cas nrog koj lub tshuab luam ntawv tus IP chaw nyob

Thaum koj muaj IP chaw nyob ntawm koj lub tshuab luam ntawv, siv nws los teeb tsa lub tshuab luam ntawv los ntawm txhua lub khoos phis tawj lossis lub xov tooj ntawm tes txuas nrog koj lub network.

Muaj lub tshuab luam ntawv IP chaw nyob ua ke kuj tseem ua rau koj ntaus ntawv ping hauv cov lus txib los ntawm ib lub computer yog tias koj muaj teeb meem tshuab luam ntawv thiab yuav tsum tau xyuas seb lub tshuab luam ntawv puas nyob hauv lub network.

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