Yuav Ua Li Cas Xauv Lub Folder hauv Windows 10

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav Ua Li Cas Xauv Lub Folder hauv Windows 10
Yuav Ua Li Cas Xauv Lub Folder hauv Windows 10

Yuav Paub

  • To encrypt a folder, right-click it and select Properties > Advanced > Encrypt cov ntsiab lus kom ruaj ntseg cov ntaub ntawv.
  • Txhawm rau thaub qab cov yuam sij encryption, nkag mus certmgr.msc rau hauv Khiav dialog box, thiab mus rau Personal > Certificate.
  • Tau lo lus zais-tiv thaiv folders, nruab ib qhov program zoo li Wise Folder Hider.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas kaw lub nplaub tshev hauv Windows 10 siv cov cuab yeej encryption built-in lossis kev tiv thaiv tus password.

Kuv Yuav Xauv Ib Daim Ntawv Teev Tseg Li Cas?

Windows muaj cov cuab yeej encryption los tiv thaiv lwm tus neeg siv los qhib koj cov ntaub ntawv, tab sis nruab ib lub cuab yeej thib peb uas muaj zog dua rau kev ceev ntiag tug ntau dua.

Thaum muaj ntau dua ib txoj hauv kev, qhov yooj yim tshaj plaws tsis koom nrog cov kev pabcuam thib peb. Windows 10 muaj qhov tshwj xeeb no built-in.

Kab lus no hais txog peb txoj hauv kev. Saib tshooj ncaj qha hauv qab no cov kauj ruam no kom paub tias cov txheej txheem no ua haujlwm li cas; Tej zaum koj yuav xav siv ib qho ntawm lwm cov tswv yim es tsis yog qhov no.

  1. Right-click the folder you want to lock, and select Properties.
  2. Xaiv Advanced nyob hauv qab ntawm General tab.
  3. Check lub thawv nyob ib sab ntawm Encrypt cov ntsiab lus kom ruaj ntseg cov ntaub ntawv.
  4. Xaiv OK, thiab tom qab ntawd OK dua rau ntawm lub qhov rais Properties kom txuag.


    Windows yuav hais kom koj thaub qab koj cov ntaub ntawv encryption yuam sij kom tsis txhob poob nkag mus rau koj cov ntaub ntawv encrypted mus tas li. Koj tuaj yeem ua raws li cov kauj ruam no (kom nyeem) lossis tsis quav ntsej lawv.

    Yog tias koj tsis pom qhov tshwm sim, tab sis koj tseem xav rov qab tus yuam sij encryption, hla ua ntej mus rau ntu tom ntej.

  5. Xaiv Tub qab tam sim no (pom zoo) yog tias koj ua raws li kev ceeb toom kom thaub qab.

  6. Pib daim ntawv pov thawj Export Wizard los ntawm kev xaiv Tom ntejntawm thawj qhov screen.
  7. Kua qhov defaults xaiv, thiab nias Next dua.

  8. Xaiv lub npov ib sab ntawm Password txhawm rau qhib tus password, thiab sau cov ntawv sau hauv qab no. Xaiv Next.

  9. Xaiv qhov twg los khaws cov ntaub ntawv PFX, thiab muab nws lub npe.
  10. Xaiv Tom ntej txhawm rau tshuaj xyuas cov ntaub ntawv koj tau muab thiab xaiv Tiav kom ua tiav cov xa tawm.

  11. Xaiv OK ntawm kev xa tawm ua tiav. Yog tias koj xav tau siv daim ntawv pov thawj no, tsuas yog qhib nws los ntawm txhua qhov chaw koj khaws nws hauv kauj ruam 9, thiab ua raws li cov lus qhia ntawm lub vijtsam.

Yuav ua li cas rau thaub qab Xauv Folder Encryption Keys hauv Windows 10

Ua raws li cov kauj ruam no kom rov qab tau tus yuam sij rau cov ntaub ntawv encrypted:

  1. Nias WIN+R txhawm rau qhib Run hais kom ua (lossis tsuas yog xaiv qhov kev tshawb nrhiav bar ntawm lub luag haujlwm), ntaus certmgr.msc, ces nias Enter.

  2. Nyob rau sab laug, mus rau Personal> Certificate.

  3. Xaiv txhua daim ntawv pov thawj rau Encrypting File System.

  4. Right-click on the selected files, then go to All Tasks > Export.

  5. Saib rau qib 6-11 hauv ntu dhau los kom ua tiav qhov thaub qab.

Yuav ua li cas cov ntaub ntawv zais ua haujlwm ntawm Windows 10

Koj yuav tsum paub tias cov ntaub ntawv encrypted coj li cas hauv Windows kom ntseeg tau tias qhov no yog txoj hauv kev koj xav siv.

Ua qhov no ua piv txwv: Ib daim nplaub tshev encrypted muaj nyob rau hauv lub hauv paus ntawm C tsav ntawm lub computer nrog ob tus neeg siv. John encrypts lub nplaub tshev thiab tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv hauv nws. Nws muaj kev tswj xyuas cov ntaub ntawv tiav.

Lwm tus neeg siv, Mark, nkag rau hauv nws tus account, qhov twg nws tuaj yeem ua tau ze li txhua yam John ua tau:

  • Saib npe cov ntaub ntawv
  • Rename files
  • Txuag thiab tshem tawm cov ntawv tais ceev tseg thiab nws cov ntaub ntawv
  • Ntxiv cov ntaub ntawv ntxiv rau hauv daim nplaub tshev

Txawm li cas los xij, vim tias John encrypted cov ntaub ntawv hauv daim nplaub tshev, Mark tsis tuaj yeem qhib lawv. Txawm li cas los xij, Mark tuaj yeem ua lwm yam tseem ceeb.

Txhua cov ntaub ntawv Mark ntxiv rau hauv cov ntawv tais ceev tseg tau txais kev tso cai, tab sis tam sim no cov kev tso cai raug thim rov qab: Vim Mark yog tus neeg siv nkag mus, nws tuaj yeem qhib cov ntaub ntawv nws ntxiv, tab sis John ua tsis tau.

Koj puas tuaj yeem tso tus password rau ntawm daim nplaub tshev?

Windows 10 tsis muaj txoj hauv kev los tso tus password rau ntawm daim nplaub tshev, sib nrug ntawm qhov peb tau piav qhia saum toj no. Txoj kev ntawd zoo ib yam li lwm cov txheej txheem tiv thaiv tus password uas koj yuav tsum muab tus neeg siv tus lej password kom raug ua ntej koj tuaj yeem saib cov ntaub ntawv encrypted.

Tam sim no, txawm li cas los xij, muaj cov cuab yeej thib peb uas tso cai rau koj txhais tus password raws li tus lej password, tsis muaj kev ywj pheej ntawm tus neeg siv nkag. Cov txheej txheem tau piav qhia hauv qab no yog qhov sib cav ntau dua li Windows cov txheej txheem encryption vim tias lawv tuaj yeem cuam tshuam cov npe cov ntaub ntawv thiab zais txawm tias lub nplaub tshev nws tus kheej.

Password Tiv Thaiv thiab Nkaum Folder

Wise Folder Hider yog qhov piv txwv zoo. Qhov kev pab cuam no zoo tagnrho yog tias koj tiv thaiv cov ntaub ntawv vim nws tuaj yeem nkaum cov ntawv tais ceev tseg tom qab ob tus password. Nws tseem tuaj yeem ruaj ntseg tag nrho flash drives thiab encrypt ib tus neeg cov ntaub ntawv.

  1. Qhib qhov program thiab txhais tus password thawj zaug. Nov yog qhov yuav nkag tau txhua zaus koj xav qhib Wise Folder Hider.
  2. Los ntawm Hide File tab, xaiv Hide folder, thiab xaiv cov nplaub tshev uas koj xav tiv thaiv tom qab tus password (lossis rub lub folder rau hauv qhov program window). Txhua lub folders tab sis system folders raug tso cai.

    Tom qab xaiv nws, daim nplaub tshev yuav ploj tam sim ntawm nws qhov chaw qub. Txhawm rau saib nws dua, xaiv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov khawm rau sab xis thiab xaiv Qhib; nws yuav qhib hauv File Explorer. Xaiv Kaw txhawm rau zais nws dua, lossis Unhide txhawm rau rov qab mus tas li.

  3. Optionally, kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg ntau dua, koj tuaj yeem yuam lwm tus password kom nkag mus ua ntej qhib lub nplaub tshev tshwj xeeb. Txhawm rau ua qhov no, nias lub xub nqes mus rau sab xis ntawm txoj kev nplaub tshev, thiab xaiv Teeb Password.


Ua tus password tiv thaiv daim ntawv

7-Zip yog lwm tus nyiam. Es tsis txhob nkaum tus thawj nplaub tshev, nws tsim ib daim qauv thiab ces encrypts daim ntawv.

  1. Right-click the folder and go to 7-Zip > Add to archive.
  2. Change Archive format to be 7z.
  3. Tau tus password hauv cov ntawv nyeem hauv ntu Encryption ntu.
  4. xaiv xaiv lwm qhov chaw, xws li cov no:

    • Archive yog lub npe cov ntaub ntawv thiab txoj hauv kev mus rau qhov twg cov ntaub ntawv encrypted yuav tsum tau cawm.
    • Encrypt file names txwv tsis pub ib tug neeg pom cov npe cov ntaub ntawv yam tsis tau muab tus password.
    • Tsim SFX archive cia ib tug neeg muab tus password rau decrypt lub nplaub tshev txawm tias lawv tsis muaj 7-Zip ntsia. Zoo tagnrho rau kev sib koom cov ntawv tais ceev tseg; nws hloov cov ntaub ntawv txuas ntxiv mus rau EXE.
    • Compression qib tuaj yeem teeb tsa rau qib sib txawv kom ua kom cov ntaub ntawv me dua, txawm tias nws tseem tuaj yeem ua rau lub sijhawm encryption thiab decryption.
  5. Xaiv OK.

Cov ntaub ntawv qub tsis raug muab tshem tawm lossis hloov pauv, yog li yog tias koj siv txoj hauv kev no, nco ntsoov tshem tawm lossis txav cov ntaub ntawv qub tom qab ua tus password tiv thaiv version.

Lwm cov apps muaj yog tias koj xav muab koj cov ntaub ntawv zais cia rau ntawm lub hard drive virtual nrog tus password kev cai.

Ib "xauv nplaub tshev" kuj txhais tau tias yog ib daim nplaub tshev nrog cov ntaub ntawv tam sim no siv, tab sis qhov ntawd tsis yog tib lub tswv yim raws li daim nplaub tshev uas koj xav kaw txhob txwm rau qhov laj thawj ntiag tug. Saib Yuav Ua Li Cas Tsiv, Rho Tawm, thiab Hloov Lub Npe Xauv Cov Ntaub Ntawv kom paub ntxiv txog seb cov ntaub ntawv ua haujlwm li cas.


    Kuv yuav kaw lub nplaub tshev hauv Windows 10 li cas kom tiv thaiv kev tshem tawm?

    Ib qho kev xaiv yog nyem nyem rau ntawm lub nplaub tshev thiab xaiv Properties > Security > Advanced > Disable Inheritance > Hloov cov kev tso cai qub txeeg qub teg rau hauv qhov kev tso cai meej meej ntawm cov khoom noTom qab ntawd xaiv tus neeg siv los ntawm daim ntawv teev npe > Edit > Show advanced permissions > Type > Deny> thiab kos lub npov ntawm ib sab Delete

    Kuv yuav ua li cas nkaum ib daim nplaub tshev ntawm kuv lub PC thiab kaw rau kuv tus kheej hauv Windows 10?

    Txhawm rau nkaum cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov folders hauv Windows 10, right-click the folder and select Properties > General > Hidden > Apply > OK Thaum koj tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov ntaub ntawv zais los ntawm kev nthuav tawm los ntawm kev kho cov ntaub ntawv Explorer, lwm tus neeg siv tau yooj yim qhia cov khoom zais los ntawm kev hloov qhov teeb tsa no. Cov cuab yeej thib peb ntxiv rau kev tiv thaiv tus password thiab zais cov folders zoo dua.

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