Yuav ua li cas rho tawm Email Accounts hauv Outlook lossis Windows Mail

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas rho tawm Email Accounts hauv Outlook lossis Windows Mail
Yuav ua li cas rho tawm Email Accounts hauv Outlook lossis Windows Mail

Yuav Paub

  • In Outlook, mus rau File > Info > Account settings, xaiv tus email account, thiab xaiv Remove > Yes.
  • In Windows Mail, xaiv Settings lossis Ntau > Manage accounts, xaiv tus account, ces xaiv Delete account.
  • Rau tus account default, xaiv Hloov chaw xa ntawv synchronization, tua lub Email toggle thiab xaiv Done > Save.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas rho tawm email nyiaj hauv Outlook lossis Windows Mail. Cov lus qhia siv rau Outlook rau Microsoft 365, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, thiab Outlook 2013 nrog rau Windows 11, 10, thiab 8.

Yuav ua li cas tshem tus email account ntawm Microsoft Outlook

Cov txheej txheem rau rho tawm email nyiaj hauv ntau yam Outlook versions zoo ib yam, nrog qee qhov kev zam me me.

  1. Go to File > Info.
  2. Xaiv tus Account settings drop-down menu thiab xaiv Account Settings.

  3. Xaiv tus email koj xav tshem tawm.
  4. Xaiv Remove.

  5. Qhia tias koj xav rho tawm los ntawm xaiv Yes.

Delete Email Accounts hauv Windows Mail App

Kev rho tawm tus email account hauv Mail (tus email yooj yim tus neeg siv nrog Windows) yog qhov yooj yim zoo li:

  1. Xaiv Settings (lub iav icon) nyob rau hauv qab ntawm sab laug pane ntawm qhov kev pab cuam (los yog Ntau hauv qab, ntawm ntsiav tshuaj lossis xov tooj).

  2. In the Settings pane, xaiv Manage accounts.

  3. Xaiv tus lej koj xav tshem tawm ntawm Xa Ntawv.

  4. In the Account settings npo, xaiv Delete account.

  5. Xaiv Delete kom paub meej.


Yuav ua li cas thaum koj rho tawm Email Accounts hauv Outlook lossis Windows Mail?

Thaum koj tshem tawm ib tus as-qhauj los ntawm Microsoft Outlook thiab Windows Mail, koj yuav tsis muaj kev nkag mus rau hauv qhov program ntawd, thiab koj yuav tshem tawm cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia hauv zos. Txawm li cas los xij, koj yuav tsis rho tawm tus account lossis cov lus hauv nws.

Kev rho tawm tus as-qhauj los ntawm Microsoft email tus neeg siv kuj tseem tshem tawm cov ntaub ntawv qhia hnub suav nrog tus lej ntawd.

Delete a Default Account in Window Mail

Yog koj tsis pom qhov Delete account kev xaiv, koj muaj peev xwm sim rho tawm tus mail account. Windows yuav tsum muaj tsawg kawg yog ib tus lej xa ntawv, thiab koj tsis tuaj yeem rho tawm nws. Txawm li cas los xij, koj tuaj yeem nres tau txais thiab xa ntawv los ntawm nws. Tus account tseem muaj nyob hauv koj lub computer thiab nrog email chaw pabcuam, tab sis nws yuav raug kaw.

Thaum koj lov tes taw tus account, koj tsis tau txais ntawv xa hauv koj lub computer lawm. Ntxiv rau, koj yuav tsis tuaj yeem nrhiav cov emails qub lossis cov ntaub ntawv qhia txog hnub hauv koj lub computer. Yog tias koj xav tau nkag mus rau email thiab hnub tim los ntawm ib tus as-qhauj uas koj tshem tawm ntawm koj lub computer siv cov txheej txheem saum toj no, nkag mus rau email chaw pabcuam lub vev xaib. Koj yuav pom tag nrho koj cov ntaub ntawv nyob ntawd.

Txhawm rau lov tes taw tus account:

  1. Xaiv Settings (lub iav icon) nyob rau hauv qab ntawm sab laug pane (los yog Ntauhauv qab, ntawm lub ntsiav tshuaj lossis xov tooj).

  2. Xaiv Manage accounts los ntawm txoj cai kab ntawv pane.

  3. Xaiv tus account koj xav kom tsis txhob siv.

  4. Xaiv Hloov chaw xa ntawv xa ntawv sync.

  5. Nyob hauv kev xaiv sib txuas, tua lub Email toggle hloov.

  6. Xaiv Done.

  7. Xaiv Save.



    Kuv yuav teeb Outlook li cas rau kuv tus neeg xa ntawv default hauv Windows Mail?

    Txhawm rau teeb tsa Outlook ua koj tus email default hauv Windows Mail, mus rau Default Apps > Mail > Outlook . Txhawm rau ntxiv ib tus account Outlook.com rau Windows Mail, mus rau Windows Mail Settings > Manage Accounts > Add Account.

    Kuv yuav ua li cas Windows Mail kuv tus email default?

    Txhawm rau ua Windows Mail koj tus email default, mus rau Default Apps, xaiv lub app hauv qab Email, tom qab ntawd xaivMail Hauv Windows 8, mus rau Control Vaj Huam Sib Luag > Default Programs > Associate a File Type or Protocol with a program > MAILTO > Mail

    Kuv yuav import Windows Mail rau Outlook li cas?

    Koj tsis tuaj yeem xa cov neeg sib cuag los ntawm Windows Mail hauv Windows 10 lossis 11. Hauv Windows 8, mus rau Tools > Windows Contacts > Export > CSV > Export.

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