Yuav ua li cas ntxiv thiab Tswj Apps ntawm Smart TV

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas ntxiv thiab Tswj Apps ntawm Smart TV
Yuav ua li cas ntxiv thiab Tswj Apps ntawm Smart TV

Smart TVs yog cov khoom siv hauv internet uas tso cai rau koj nkag mus, kwj, thiab tswj cov ntsiab lus hauv xov xwm yam tsis muaj qhov txuas sab nraud, xws li Roku ntaus ntawv. Lub ntiaj teb ntse TV yog tsim nyob ib ncig ntawm cov apps, uas zoo li hauv internet raws. Smart TVs tuaj ua ntej nrog ntau yam ntawm cov apps, tab sis feem ntau nws muaj peev xwm ntxiv ntau ntxiv los kho koj qhov kev pom. Nov yog saib yuav ua li cas ntxiv cov apps rau Samsung Smart TVs, LG Smart TVs, thiab ntau dua.

Cov txheej txheem ntxiv cov apps rau Smart TVs txawv ntawm cov tuam txhab thiab cov qauv. Kab lus no muaj qee cov lus qhia dav dav uas yuav zoo sib xws rau koj lub npe Smart TV. Nrog koj cov ntaub ntawv rau koj lub cuab yeej cov kauj ruam tshwj xeeb.


Ntxiv Apps rau Samsung Smart TV

Yog tias koj muaj Samsung Smart TV thiab xav tau ib qho app uas tsis nyob ntawm koj lub Smart Hub, rub tawm ntawm Samsung App Store. Nov yog li cas:

  1. Nav mus rau koj lub tsev nplooj ntawv lossis nias koj lub chaw taws teeb Smart Hub khawm.
  2. Xaiv Apps los ntawm cov ntawv qhia zaub mov.

  3. Koj tam sim no nyob rau ntawm Kuv Apps npo, qhov twg koj yuav pom koj cov apps preloaded thiab lwm yam app, xws li Dab tsi tshiab, Ntau tshaj, Video, lifestyle , and Ntxhais.

  4. Tshawb nrhiav kom pom ib qho app koj xav nruab, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv lub app lub cim. Qhov piv txwv no siv cov Ntau tshaj qeb thiab xaiv Red Bull TV.


    Xwb, xaiv lub iav tsom iav txhawm rau tshawb rau lub npe app.

  5. Thaum koj xaiv ib qho app, koj yuav mus rau nws nplooj ntawv nruab. Xaiv Nruab, Download, lossis Ntxiv rau Tsev, nyob ntawm koj tus qauv TV.


    Tom qab lub app tau teeb tsa, koj yuav raug ceeb toom kom qhib nws. Yog tias koj tsis xav qhib lub app, cia li tawm hauv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab qhib tom qab los ntawm My Apps.

Ntxiv Apps rau LG Smart TV

LG Smart TVs siv lub webOS platform, uas suav nrog kev tswj hwm app. Zoo li ntau lwm lub TV ntse, LG suav nrog ib pob ntawm preinstalled apps koj yuav pom ntawm lub vijtsam hauv tsev. Nov yog yuav ua li cas ntxiv cov apps:

  1. Nias lub Home khawm ntawm qhov chaw taws teeb tswj.

  2. Xaiv tus LG Cov Ntsiab Lus Khw los ntawm nplooj ntawv home.

    Ntawm qee tus qauv LG TV, koj yuav xav tau xaiv Ntau Apps ntawm lub vijtsam hauv tsev ua ntej koj tuaj yeem xaiv LG Cov Khoom Muag.

  3. In the LG Content Store, nkag mus rau ntu Apps, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv ib qeb ntawm cov apps lossis tshawb rau ib qho app.


    Lub LG Cov Ntsiab Lus tseem muaj ob qho tib si them thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab dawb thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab muaj rau rub tawm.

  4. Xaiv lub app koj xav rub tawm mus rau nws qhov screen nplooj siab.

  5. Xaiv Install. Lub app yuav pib rub tawm.


    Yog tias lub app xav tau tus nqi, yuav muaj kev ceeb toom thiab qhia ntxiv rau kev xaiv them nyiaj.

  6. Thaum lub app tiav lawm, xaiv Launch txhawm rau tso nws tam sim, lossis nkag mus tom qab ntawm lub vijtsam hauv tsev.


Ntxiv Apps rau Vizio Smart TV

Koj ntxiv cov apps rau koj Vizio Smart TV nyob ntawm seb nws puas tau khiav SmartCast, Vizio Internet Apps, lossis Vizio Internet Apps Plus system. Nov yog saib dab tsi cuam tshuam.

Txhawm rau saib Disney+ ntawm Vizio Smart TV, saib Vizio cov lus tshaj tawm


Ntawm Vizio SmartCast TVs, koj tsis tuaj yeem nruab cov apps tshiab. Yog tias koj xav siv ib qho app uas tsis yog preloaded, pov rau hauv koj lub TV ntawm lub smartphone lossis ntsiav tshuaj, ib yam li siv Chromecast ntaus ntawv. Nov yog nws ua haujlwm li cas:

Nco ntsoov tias koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes txuas nrog tib lub Wi-nkaus network li TV.

  1. Siv koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes, mus rau Google Play Store lossis Apple App Store, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv thiab nruab ib lub app uas muaj Chromecast. Thaum nruab, lub app yuav yog ib feem ntawm koj xaiv cast.
  2. Qhib lub app ntawm koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes thiab xaiv lub Cast icon.
  3. Nias lub Cast icon thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv koj Vizio Smart TV. Koj cov ntsiab lus yuav tsum pib ua si cia li.


    Yog tias koj muaj ntau dua ib qho Vizio SmartCast lossis Chromecast ntaus ntawv, xaiv lub cuab yeej koj xav pov rau.

Internet Apps thiab Internet Apps Plus Systems

Yog tias koj Vizio TV siv Vizio Internet Apps (VIA) lossis Vizio Internet Apps Plus (VIA+), nws yooj yim rau nruab apps rau koj lub TV los ntawm Vizio App Store.

  1. Xaiv tus V khawm ntawm koj lub Vizio TV chaw taws teeb tswj kom qhib lub Apps Menu.

  2. Xaiv ib qho ntawm App Store xaiv hauv pawg xws li Featured, Lest, Txhua Apps, los yog Qeb.

  3. Highlight lub app koj xav ntxiv rau koj lub Vizio TV (kom paub tseeb tias nws tsis tau preloaded).
  4. Rau VIA systems, nias OK thiab mus rau Install App. Tom qab lub app nruab, nws yuav muab ntxiv rau koj xaiv saib.

  5. Rau VIA+ systems, nias thiab tuav OK kom txog thaum lub app tau ntxiv rau Kuv Apps npe.

  6. Xaiv lub app los saib nws.

Ntxiv Apps rau Smart TV Nrog Chromecast built-in

Txawm hais tias Vizio koom nrog Chromecast hauv nws lub SmartCast platform, lwm lub TVs muaj Chromecast tsim nyob rau hauv raws li lawv cov streaming apps platform. Cov teeb no suav nrog cov qauv xaiv los ntawm Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Philips, Polaroid, Skyworth, thiab Soniq.

Cov kauj ruam rau kev siv ib qho app uas tsis yog preloaded ntawm Chromecast TV zoo ib yam li cov Vizio SmartCast TVs.

Nco ntsoov tias koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes txuas nrog tib lub Wi-nkaus network li TV.

  1. Siv koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes, mus rau Google Play Store lossis Apple App Store, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv thiab nruab ib lub app uas muaj Chromecast. Thaum nruab, lub app yuav yog ib feem ntawm koj xaiv cast.
  2. Qhib lub app thiab coj mus rhaub Cast khawm.
  3. Cov ntsiab lus ntawm koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes yuav raug muab pov rau hauv koj lub TV.

Ntxiv Apps rau Android TV

Xaiv TVs los ntawm Element, Hisense, LeECO, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, thiab Westinghouse suav nrog Android TV operating system. Nov yog yuav ua li cas ntxiv ntau qhov zoo tshaj plaws Android TV apps.

Koj tuaj yeem pom qhov hloov pauv me ntsis ntawm qhov screen zoo li nyob ntawm hom thiab qauv ntawm koj lub TV hauv Android.

  1. Los ntawm Android TV Home screen, mus rau Apps ntu.

  2. Xaiv lub Google Play Store.

  3. Xaiv, tshawb, lossis xaiv Tau txais ntau cov apps txhawm rau nrhiav ib qho app uas koj xav nruab.

  4. Xaiv lub app koj xav ntxiv.



    Tseem ceeb kom ntaus Accept.

  5. Xaiv Nruab rau cov apps dawb lossis games, lossis ua raws cov lus qhia them rau ib qho app.
  6. Ib zaug ntsia, tso lub app ncaj qha lossis tso tawm ntawm Android TV hauv tsev txhua lub sijhawm.

Ntxiv Apps rau Roku TVs

A Roku TV muaj Roku kev ua haujlwm tsim hauv, yog li koj tsis tas yuav txuas tus Roku streaming stick lossis lub thawv rau nkag mus rau streaming apps. Roku hais txog cov kev pab cuam uas muab cov ntsiab lus video thiab suab raws li Channels. Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob, xws li kev tsim khoom lossis cov cuab yeej ua haujlwm network, yog "apps."

TV hom uas muab Roku system ntawm cov qauv TV xaiv suav nrog Element, Hisense, Hitachi, Insignia, Philips, RCA, Sharp, thiab TCL.

Ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas ntxiv Roku channel siv cov chaw taws teeb TV:

Roku TVs muaj tib yam ntawm cov ntawv qhia zaub mov interface li lwm yam Roku streaming li, yog li koj yuav siv tib txheej txheem ntxiv cov channel thiab apps.

  1. Nias lub Tsev khawm ntawm Roku TV chaw taws teeb (zoo li lub tsev).

  2. Xaiv Streaming Channels qhib lub Roku Channel khw.

  3. Xaiv ib qeb Channel.

  4. Xaiv Channel koj xav ntxiv.

  5. Xaiv Add Channel pib rub tawm thiab teeb tsa.


    Ua raws li cov lus qhia yog tias koj tab tom sim nruab ib qho channel them nyiaj.

  6. Qhib Channel tom qab nws tau teeb tsa, lossis nrhiav nws ntawm koj cov npe saib.

Ntxiv Apps rau Fire Edition TVs

Qee lub TV muaj Amazon Hluav Taws TV ua haujlwm ua haujlwm hauv. Ntawm cov khoom siv no, tswj hwm thiab ntxiv cov apps tib yam li koj xav siv lub plug-in Amazon Fire TV stick lossis lub thawv.

TV hom uas muaj qhov system ntawm cov qauv xaiv suav nrog Element, Toshiba, thiab Westinghouse.

  1. Los ntawm TV tej thaj chaw deb, mus rau nplooj ntawv tsev thiab xaiv Apps.

  2. Xaiv ib pawg app xws li Movies thiab TV.

  3. Xaiv lub app koj xav ntxiv.

  4. Select Buy Now, Get Now, or Download. Thaum lub app tau teeb tsa, qhib nws, lossis nkag mus rau nws txhua lub sijhawm ntawm koj lub vev xaib.


Ntxiv Apps rau Sharp Smart TV

Yog tias koj muaj Sharp Smart TV yam tsis muaj Roku ua haujlwm, nws yuav siv tau AppsNOW lossis VEWD system, yav tas los hu ua Opera TV. Nov yog yuav ua li cas ntxiv cov apps ntawm ob lub tshuab.

Install a App Siv Apps NOW

  1. Nias lub Apps khawm ntawm koj lub TV tej thaj chaw deb.
  2. Select AppsNOW ntawm koj lub vijtsam hauv tsev thiab nias OK ntawm koj qhov chaw taws teeb.
  3. Xaiv los saib tag nrho cov apps muaj lossis saib cov npe txheeb ntawm cov apps muaj nyob hauv ntau pawg, xws li Top Features, Movies & TV, Music & Shows, News & Weather, Lifestyle, or Games.
  4. Xaiv lub app koj xav nruab, thiab tom qab ntawd nias OK ntawm koj cov chaw taws teeb rau nruab lub app.
  5. Ib zaug ntsia, lub cim rau lub app ntawd yuav muaj lub cim kos nyob rau sab sauv sab laug.

Siv VEWD Apps System

Apps hauv VEWD App Store yog huab-raws li, yog li koj tsis nruab lawv ncaj qha rau TV. Hloov chaw, xaiv thiab qhib lawv rau kev saib. Nov yog li cas:

  1. Nias lub Apps khawm ntawm koj lub TV tej thaj chaw deb.
  2. Xaiv VEWD Apps Store thiab nias OK ntawm koj lub TV chaw taws teeb.
  3. Xaiv los saib tag nrho cov apps muaj lossis saib cov npe xaiv ntawm cov apps muaj nyob hauv pawg xws li New, Popular,Movies & TV Series, Games, Internet TV, Music, Sports, Lifestyle, Technology, Kids , Nature & Travel, News & Weather, Social, Tools, los yog Trailers
  4. Xaiv cov apps lossis tshawb rau ib qho app los ntawm lub npe los ntawm kev xaiv Search los ntawm cov kev xaiv saum toj ntawm lub vijtsam. Siv cov keyboard on-screen nkag mus rau lub npe app.
  5. Thaum koj pom ib qho app koj xav tau, nias OK ntawm koj cov chaw taws teeb qhib lub app. Xaiv kos ib lub app ua Nyiamyog li nws yooj yim muaj nyob rau lwm zaus koj qhib VEWD App Store.

    Laus Sharp Smart TVs yuav muaj Android TV platform, uas tso cai rau kev teeb tsa ntawm cov apps ntxiv ntawm Google Play Store lossis Smart Central, uas yog lub platform preloaded app uas nyob ntawm qhov hloov tshiab los ntawm Sharp.

Lwm tus qauv Smart TV

Apps tau preloaded ntawm Philips Net TVs, tab sis cov qauv ntawm 2018 los yog tom qab tso cai ntxiv cov apps los ntawm VEWD App Store. Philips Net TVs kuj txhawb kev screencasting ntawm xaiv cov apps los ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes, thiab qee cov qauv suav nrog Chromecast built-in. Xyuas koj cov ntaub ntawv kom paub meej.

Element Smart TVs yam tsis muaj Hluav Taws TV lossis Roku TV tuaj yeem nkag tau tsuas yog cov apps uas tau rub tawm, xws li Netflix, YouTube, thiab Pandora. Nrog koj cov ntaub ntawv kom paub ntau ntxiv.


    Kuv yuav ua li cas thiaj tau txais Spectrum app ntawm Vizio ntse TV?

    Ntawm lub TV tej thaj chaw deb, nias lub pob V xaiv Google Play. Xauj los ntawm cov apps thiab xaiv Spectrum TV > Ok. Ua raws li cov lus qhia ntawm lub vijtsam kom ua tiav kev teeb tsa.

    Kuv yuav ua li cas rau nruab Zoom app ntawm kuv lub TV ntse?

    Tam sim no, tsis muaj Zoom app rau smart TVs. Txhawm rau kom Zoom ntawm koj lub TV, qhib Zoom ntawm koj lub laptop, thiab siv HDMI cable los ntsaws koj lub laptop rau hauv koj lub TV. Yog tias koj lub laptop tsis muaj HDMI portal, sim siv USB-C-rau-HDMI dongle los ua kev sib txuas.

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