Yuav ua li cas rov qab Deleted Emails hauv Yahoo Mail

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas rov qab Deleted Emails hauv Yahoo Mail
Yuav ua li cas rov qab Deleted Emails hauv Yahoo Mail

Yuav Paub

  • Yog tus email deleted tseem nyob rau hauv lub thoob khib nyiab, xaiv nws, ces nias Move > Inbox > D +0 (zero). (Nyem Restore to Inbox hauv Yahoo versions qub.)
  • Xwb, xa rov qab thov rau Yahoo.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas rov qab Yahoo xa ntawv uas tau ploj lossis tshem tawm.

Undelete Mail

Thaum koj rho tawm email, nws txav mus rau hauv lub thoob khib nyiab, qhov chaw nws zaum kom txog thaum koj ntim cov ntawv ntawd. Koj tuaj yeem rov qab tau cov lus sai yog tias nws tseem nyob hauv koj daim nplaub tshev pov tseg. Nov yog li cas:

  1. Xaiv lub Trash nplaub tshev hauv Yahoo Mail. Koj yuav pom nws nyob rau hauv navigation pane ntawm sab laug ntawm Yahoo email screen.

  2. Nias lub thawv kos ib sab ntawm txhua tus email koj xav rov qab.

  3. Click Restore to Inbox. Cov email uas tau xaiv tam sim no yuav pom hauv koj lub Inbox.


Rov qab tau ploj lossis tshem tawm Emails

Tau cawm cov lus ploj lossis tshem tawm uas koj tau txais nyob rau hauv xya hnub dhau los lossis tshem tawm cov lus tom qab koj tau tso lub thoob khib nyiab pov tseg:

  1. Mus rau Yahoo! Mail's Recover poob los yog deleted emails nplooj. Nyem Send a Restore Request.

  2. Siv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov los piav txog qhov teeb meem. Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub no, xaiv Mail: Tsis nco qab deleted lus ntawm webMail. Kuj tseem muaj kev xaiv yog tias koj siv lub xov tooj ntawm tes.

  3. Xaiv lub sijhawm tsim nyog hauv daim ntawv teev npe hauv qab Thaum twg koj pom cov lus ploj lawm. Lub sijhawm siab tshaj plaws yog 16 teev.
  4. Sau rau lwm daim teb ntawm daim ntawv, kos lub CAPTCHA lub thawv, thiab xaiv Tsim kev thov.

Thaum koj tos Yahoo xa koj tus account Yahoo xa mus rau lub xeev nws tau nyob rau lub sijhawm teev tseg los ntawm daim ntawv theej thaub qab, xa mus lossis rub tawm cov lus tshiab. Cov thaub qab hloov koj lub thawv email thiab cov folders uas twb muaj lawm.


    Kuv yuav rov qab deleted emails ntawm Gmail li cas?

    Koj cov emails tseem tuaj yeem rov qab tau yog tias nws tsawg dua 30 hnub. Txhawm rau txheeb xyuas, nyob rau sab laug pane, xaiv Ntau > Trash. Yog tias tom qab 30 hnub, koj tus email yuav ploj mus ib txhis.

    Yuav ua li cas kuv rov qab deleted emails mus tas li ntawm iPhone?

    Thaum koj rho tawm cov emails uas tau muab tshem tawm ntawm Mail ntawm koj lub iPhone lawv tuaj yeem rov qab tsis tau lawm.

    Kuv yuav rov qab deleted emails hauv Outlook li cas?

    In Deleted Items, xaiv cov lus koj xav rov qab, ces mus rau Home thiab xaiv Txiv > Other Folder. Xaiv lo lus uas peb ces nias OK (Move rau Mac).

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