Yuav ua li cas rau encrypt koj Mac

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas rau encrypt koj Mac
Yuav ua li cas rau encrypt koj Mac

Yuav Paub

  • Macs nrog T2 kev ruaj ntseg nti yog encrypted los ntawm lub neej ntawd, tab sis yuav tsum muaj kev tiv thaiv tus password rau encryption enabled manually.
  • Encrypting koj Mac yuav tiv thaiv koj cov ntaub ntawv tab sis yuav ua rau koj Mac nyeem / sau nrawm.
  • Koj kuj tseem tuaj yeem xaiv encrypt cov khoom siv sab nraud lossis cov ntaub ntawv ib leeg nrog koj Mac.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas txhawm rau txhawm rau txheeb xyuas cov ntaub ntawv tus kheej, sab nraud drives, thiab Mac tag nrho cov tsav cia.

Kuv Yuav Ua Li Cas Rau Kuv Mac?

Yog tias koj txhawj xeeb txog kev nyab xeeb thiab kev ceev ntiag tug ntawm koj cov ntaub ntawv koj yuav tsum xav txog kev encrypting koj Mac. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj ob peb yam uas yuav tsum xav txog ua ntej koj pib txheej txheem. Thov muab cov kev pheej hmoo thiab qhov tsis zoo no rau hauv kev txiav txim siab ua ntej koj sim encryption.

Ua ntej, thaum encryption yuav tsis ua rau koj Mac qhov kev ua tau zoo, nws yuav qeeb nws qhov kev nyeem / sau nrawm vim nws yuav xav tau encrypt thiab decrypt cov ntaub ntawv ntawm ya. Qhov no tuaj yeem ua rau cov ntaub ntawv siv sijhawm ntev dua los qhib lossis txuag dua li koj yuav raug siv los.

Thib ob, yog tias muaj qee yam yuam kev koj tuaj yeem nkag mus rau koj cov ntaub ntawv lossis tseem poob koj cov ntaub ntawv tag nrho, yog li koj yuav xav rov qab koj Mac ua ntej koj pib. Ua li ntawd yog tias ib yam dab tsi mus tsis ncaj ncees lawm koj tsuas yog yuav tsum tau kho koj cov thaub qab. Yog hais tias koj encrypt koj Mac, tsis nco qab koj lo lus zais, thiab misplace koj tus yuam sij rov qab, koj yuav tau xauv tawm ntawm koj lub cev. Tsis tas li ntawd, yog tias koj Mac siv T2 nti thiab ib feem ntawm cov nti puas lawm, koj cov ntaub ntawv encrypted yuav ploj.

Yog tias koj cov ntaub ntawv thaub qab tau khaws cia rau ntawm lub cuab yeej cia sab nraud uas tseem tau encrypted, xyuas kom koj muaj koj tus password cim lossis sau cia kom koj tsis txhob raug kaw.

Kev Encrypting Koj Mac txhais li cas?

Kev nkag mus yog ib txoj hauv kev siv los ua kom koj cov ntaub ntawv digital nyuaj rau sab nraud xws li hackers lossis tsoomfwv cov koomhaum los txiav txim siab thiab nyeem. Nws siv ib qho algorithm rau scramble cov ntaub ntawv, uas tuaj yeem raug tshem tawm los ntawm cov neeg tau txais kev npaj siv tus yuam sij tshwj xeeb.

Kev nkag mus rau koj lub Mac zoo ib yam li kev sib txuas hauv network thiab End-to-End encryption, tsuas yog lub hom phiaj yog khaws koj cov ntaub ntawv hauv zos tsis pub lwm tus paub es tiv thaiv lawv thaum rub tawm lossis rub tawm. Yog tias leej twg nkag mus rau koj lub khoos phis tawm tawm tsam koj qhov kev xav lossis tsis muaj koj qhov kev paub, lawv yuav tsum tau decrypt cov ntaub ntawv ua ntej txhawm rau nyeem tau.

Encrypting Koj Mac Siv FileVault

Yuav kom nkag siab koj lub Mac tag nrho, koj yuav tsum qhib FileVault.

  1. Qhib koj Mac's System Preferences los ntawm nyem rau ntawm  icon nyob rau sab saum toj-sab laug ces kaum, xaiv System Preferences los ntawm cov ntawv qhia rub tawm.

  2. Click kev ruaj ntseg & kev ceev ntiag tug.

  3. In Security & Privacy, xaiv lub FileVault tab.

  4. Click Turn On FileVault. Tej zaum koj yuav tau nyem qhov Lock icon nyob rau hauv qab-sab laug thiab sau koj tus password txhawm rau hloov pauv rau FileVault qhov chaw ua ntej.

  5. Ntaus hauv koj tus password system kom pib txheej txheem encryption. FileVault yuav muab tus yuam sij rov qab rau koj siv thaum koj hnov qab koj tus thawj tswj hwm tus password. Nias Continue.

  6. FileVault yuav pib encrypt koj Mac hauv keeb kwm yav dhau. Nyob ntawm seb koj khaws cov ntaub ntawv ntau npaum li cas hauv koj lub Mac, nws tuaj yeem siv qhov twg los ntawm lub sijhawm mus rau ob peb hnub rau FileVault kom ua tiav cov txheej txheem. Koj yuav siv tau koj Mac li qub thaum qhov no tshwm sim.
  7. Thaum FileVault tau ua tiav encrypting koj lub cev, koj yuav pom FileVault tau qhibcov lus hauv FileVault tab. Pib dua koj Mac kom tiav cov txheej txheem.

  8. Txhawm rau txiav txim siab koj Mac tom qab qhib FileVault, ua raws cov kauj ruam saum toj no thiab xaiv Turn Off FileVault los ntawm FileVault tab hauvSecurity & Privacy . Ces, nyem Turn Off Encryption kom paub meej.

    Koj yuav tsum nkag mus rau koj tus password system kom ua tiav cov txheej txheem. Raws li nrog kev ua kom FileVault, koj yuav tau nyem lub Xauvicon nyob rau hauv qab-sab laug ces kaum ntawm lub qhov rais thiab nkag mus rau koj tus password system txhawm rau hloov pauv.



Nyob ntawm koj lub macOS lossis cov cuab yeej kho vajtse koj tuaj yeem pom koj tus yuam sij rov qab tso tawm ntawm lub vijtsam. Yog koj pom es sau cia !

Encrypting Sab Nraud Drives Nrog Koj Mac

Txhawm rau nkag mus rau tus tsav sab nraud, koj yuav tsum xub ua kom paub tseeb tias tus tsav tau raug formatted li Mac OS Extended (Journaled) siv Disk Utility. Thaum tus tsav tau formatted koj yuav tau encrypt/decrypt nws.

  1. Plug tus tsav sab nraud rau hauv koj lub Mac.
  2. Lub cim sawv cev rau koj tus tsav sab nraud yuav tshwm sim ntawm koj lub Mac lub desktop. Koj tseem tuaj yeem qhib cov ntawv tais ceev tseg lossis qhib koj Macintosh HD thiab nrhiav Chawlossis Devices qeb hauv kab laug sab ntawm lub qhov rais.
  3. Right-click (los yog nias thiab tuav lub Control tus yuam sij thiab nyem) ntawm lub cuab yeej sab nraud koj xav encrypt, ces xaiv Encryptlos ntawm cov ntawv qhia rub-down.

  4. Koj yuav raug ceeb toom kom xaiv tus password, txheeb xyuas tus password (piv txwv li, sau tus password thib ob), thiab ntaus tus password hint.

  5. Thaum koj nkag mus rau cov ntaub ntawv xav tau, nyem Encrypt Disk txhawm rau nkag mus rau lub cuab yeej nrog koj tus password xaiv. Tej zaum nws yuav siv sij hawm ob peb lub sij hawm los ua kom tiav cov txheej txheem encryption.

  6. Txhawm rau txiav txim siab koj lub encrypted sab nraud tsav, ua raws li cov kauj ruam saum toj no thiab nyem Decrypt hauv cov ntawv qhia rub-down, tom qab ntawv nkag tus password koj xaiv rau encryption.



Cov cuab yeej encrypted yuav tsis xav tau tus password kom nkag mus txog thaum nws tau raug tshem tawm thiab rov txuas rau koj Mac.

Koj puas tuaj yeem tso cov ntaub ntawv ntawm Mac?

Encrypting cais cov ntaub ntawv ntawm koj Mac yog qhov cuam tshuam me ntsis, thiab siv Disk Utility app dua li FileVault. Koj yuav tsum tsim cov ntaub ntawv encrypted disk duab (DMG) cov ntaub ntawv thiab khaws cov ntaub ntawv koj xav kom nkag mus rau hauv nws.

  1. mus rau Applications, ces Utilities, thiab mam li qhib Disk Utility.

  2. Nyob hauv Disk Utility, nyem rau File rubdown ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab ua kom pom New Image, ces xaiv Blank Image.

  3. Nkag mus Txuag Raws li lub npe rau DMG cov ntaub ntawv, thiab Lub Npe rau daim duab disk thaum nws qhib (piv txwv li, "mounted" rau lub hard drive zoo li nws yog ib qho tsav sab nraud).

  4. Xaiv qhov loj ntawm DMG cov ntaub ntawv (qhov no tuaj yeem hloov kho tom qab). Qhov luaj li cas koj xaiv rau DMG cov ntaub ntawv yuav yog qhov siab tshaj plaws ntawm qhov chaw koj yuav tsum khaws koj cov ntaub ntawv hauv nws.
  5. Select Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the format.
  6. Xaiv 128-ntsis lossis 256-ntsis AES rau kev nkag. 128-ntsis yuav nyeem / sau sai dua tab sis tsis ruaj ntseg li 256-ntsis AES.

  7. Cov no yuav tsum tau teeb tsa los ntawm lub neej ntawd, tab sis nco ntsoov Partitions yog teem rau Single partition - GUID Map thiab daim duab ntawdFormat yog teem rau read/sau disk duab.
  8. Click Save, tom qab ntawd tsim thiab txheeb xyuas tus password rau DMG thaum raug ceeb toom.

  9. Cov ntaub ntawv mounted DMG yuav tshwm sim rau ntawm koj lub Mac lub desktop ua ib qho kev sib cais, nrog rau hauv kab laug sab ntawm txhua qhov qhib nplaub tshev hauv qab Qhov chaw lossis Devices.

  10. Txhawm rau nkag mus rau cov ntaub ntawv, luag thiab poob lossis luam thiab muab tso rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv DMG mounted. Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia hauv daim duab mounted disk yuav raug muab zais cia.

  11. Kaw lossis "unmount" daim duab disk los ntawm txoj cai-nias ntawm lub cim tsav thiab xaiv Eject los ntawm cov ntawv qhia rub-down, lossis los ntawm kev rub thiab xaub lub cim tsav rau hauv lub thoob khib nyiab icon hauv qab ntawm qhov screen.
  12. The .dmg cov ntaub ntawv rau daim duab disk tuaj yeem pom hauv daim nplaub tshev uas koj khaws cia thaum tsim duab, uas yog Cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm default.

  13. To "mount" cov ntaub ntawv DMG thiab ua kom rov siv tau dua, nrhiav nws (lub npe koj teem rau Save As hauv Kauj Ruam 4) thiab tom qab ntawd qhib nws. Qhov no yuav ua rau cov duab mounted disk tshwm rau koj Mac lub desktop ib zaug ntxiv.
  14. Txhawm rau txiav txim siab cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia hauv koj cov duab disk uas tau muab zais, luag thiab tso lossis luam tawm thiab muab tso rau ntawm lub mounted drive.



Nws tsis tas yuav tsum decrypt koj cov ntaub ntawv qhib thiab ua haujlwm nrog lawv.

Puas Mac Encrypted By Default?

Txawm tias koj Mac yog encrypted tawm ntawm lub thawv yog nyob ntawm tus qauv. Ob peb Macs tso tawm xyoo 2018 thiab tom qab ntawd tuaj nrog Apple's T2 kev ruaj ntseg nti ntsia, uas muab kev tsis siv neeg tsav encryption. Cov qauv qub uas tsis muaj T2 nti yuav tsis muaj encryption enabled los ntawm lub neej ntawd. Koj tuaj yeem pom cov npe dav dav ntawm Mac qauv uas siv T2 nti ntawm Apple lub vev xaib.

txhawm rau xyuas seb koj lub Mac puas tau teeb tsa T2 nti, nyem lub cim  nyob rau sab saum toj-sab laug ntawm lub vijtsam thaum tuav lub Option tus yuam sij. Qhov no yuav pab tau qhov Cov Ntaub Ntawv Txheej Txheemkev xaiv nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm  zaub mov.

Click System Information, tom qab ntawd hauv qab Hardware nyob rau sab laug tes xaiv yog Controllerlossis iBridge (qhov no yuav nyob ntawm koj lub macOS version). Lub qhov rais mus rau sab xis ntawm Hardware kab yuav qhia "Model Name: Apple T2 nti" yog tias koj muaj lub nti nruab.


Tsis siv neeg T2 nti encryption tsis tas yuav tsum muaj tus password rau decrypt los ntawm lub neej ntawd. Koj yuav tsum ua kom FileVault xav tau tus password rau decryption.


    Kuv yuav ua li cas rau encrypt lub nplaub tshev ntawm Mac?

    Txhawm rau encrypt ib daim nplaub tshev ntawm koj Mac, mus rau Disk Utility thiab xaiv New Image > Image From Folder, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv qhov folder koj xav encrypt. Nkag mus rau lub npe, qhov chaw, thiab qib encryption, thiab tom qab ntawd nyem Txuagthiab tsim tus password.

    Kuv yuav encrypt lub USB tsav ntawm Mac li cas?

    Ntxig USB tsav ntawm koj lub Mac thiab tom qab ntawd nrhiav nws lub cim ntawm koj lub desktop. Right-click lub USB drive thiab xaiv Encrypt. Finder yuav hais kom koj tsim thiab txheeb xyuas tus password; Thaum koj ua tiav, nyem Encrypt Disk.

    Kuv yuav encrypt cov ntaub ntawv Microsoft Word ntawm Mac li cas?

    Qhib cov ntaub ntawv Microsoft Word ntawm koj lub Mac, nyem qhov Review tab, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv Tiv thaiv > Tiv thaiv Document. Sau thiab lees paub tus password, nyem OK, thiab txuag koj cov ntaub ntawv.

    Kuv yuav ua li cas encrypt ib daim ntawv PDF ntawm Mac?

    Qhib cov ntawv PDF siv Saib Ua Ntej ntawm koj Mac, thiab tom qab ntawd xaiv File > Export > Encrypt. Sau lub npe tshiab yog tias koj nyiam, thiab tom qab ntawd nkag mus thiab lees paub tus password. Nyem Save.

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