Yuav ua li cas tso saib tsuas yog cov lus tsis tau nyeem hauv Mozilla Thunderbird

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas tso saib tsuas yog cov lus tsis tau nyeem hauv Mozilla Thunderbird
Yuav ua li cas tso saib tsuas yog cov lus tsis tau nyeem hauv Mozilla Thunderbird

Yuav Paub

  • Xaiv lub Quick Filter khawm hauv toolbar kom nthuav tawm Quick Filter Toolbar. Xaiv lub Unread khawm kom pom cov lus tsis tau nyeem xwb.
  • Or, xaiv View > Toolbars > Customize > Mail Views icon. Luag lub Mail Views icon rau lub toolbar ntxiv rau View ntawv qhia. Xaiv Done.
  • Tom qab ntawd, xaiv Unread los ntawm View cov ntawv qhia poob qis kom pom cov lus tsis tau nyeem xwb.

Nws yog ib qho uas tib neeg kos cov lus nyeem tsis tau nyeem vim nws xav tau kev saib xyuas ntxiv. Txawm li cas los xij, muaj tag nrho cov ntawv nyeem hauv tib lub nplaub tshev tuaj yeem cuam tshuam los ntawm koj cov lus tsis tau nyeem. Nkaum koj cov lus nyeem kom qhov tsom mus rau cov lus tshiab.

Display Tsuas yog cov lus tsis tau nyeem hauv Thunderbird

Ua raws cov kauj ruam no kom pom cov ntawv tsis tau nyeem hauv Mozilla Thunderbird:

  1. Xaiv lub Quick Filter toggle khawm hauv toolbar tsuas yog saum koj cov lus.

  2. Lub Quick Lim Toolbar yuav tshwm sim hauv qab lub pob.

  3. Xaiv lub Unread khawm. Qhov no ua rau tag nrho koj cov lus nyeem ploj mus thiab tsuas yog koj cov lus tsis tau nyeem pom xwb.

  4. Thaum koj npaj siab pom tag nrho koj cov emails dua, nyem tib yam Unread khawm kom pom koj cov lus nyeem dua.

Lwm Txoj Kev los Qhia Tsuas Cov Lus Tsis Nyeem

Koj tuaj yeem qhia cov lus tsis tau nyeem los ntawm txoj hauv qab no.

  1. Select View > Toolbars > Customize los ntawm Thunderbird menu bar.

  2. Scroll mus rau hauv qab ntawm cov npe icons hauv lub qhov rai uas qhib thiab pom Mail Views icon.

  3. Drag thiab tso tus Mail Views icon ntawm lub toolbar ntxiv View ua raws li cov ntawv qhia poob rau hauv toolbar.

  4. Click Done txhawm rau kaw qhov Customize window.

  5. Sing the View drop-down menu, xaiv Unread los tso saib cov lus tsis tau nyeem xwb.

  6. Yuav kom pom tag nrho koj cov emails dua, xaiv All hauv View cov ntawv qhia zaub mov.

Lwm cov kev xaiv muaj nyob rau hauv Saib Cov Ntawv Teev Npe

Siv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov nco-down, koj tuaj yeem xaiv Tsis Deleted mail thiab lim rau xa ntawv uas koj tau tagged Tseem ceeb , Ua haujlwm, Personal, To Do, los yog Later. Cov kev cai saib koj tuaj yeem xaiv yog:

  • Tus neeg kuv paub
  • Recent Mail
  • 5 Hnub Kawg
  • Tsis yog khib nyiab
  • muaj cov ntawv txuas

Xaiv cov ntawv tsis tau nyeem

Koj tuaj yeem nyeem cov lus tsis tau nyeem hauv Thunderbird los ntawm nias View hauv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab xaiv Folders > UnreadQhov chaw no qhia cov folders uas muaj cov lus tsis tau nyeem, tab sis nws qhia tag nrho cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov folders, tsis yog cov lus tsis tau nyeem xwb.

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