Yuav ua li cas Calibrate ib iPhone

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Yuav ua li cas Calibrate ib iPhone
Yuav ua li cas Calibrate ib iPhone

Yuav Paub

  • To calibrate brightness: Tua Auto Brightness, txav mus rau chav tsaus, thiab tig Brightness nqis. Tig Auto Brightness rov qab rau.
  • To calibrate Motion Sensors and Compass: Xyuas kom meej Compass Calibration thiab Kev ntsuas ntsuas & nrug yog toggled rau.
  • Txhawm rau ntsuas lub roj teeb: Ua kom lub xov tooj tso tawm tag nrho, tom qab ntawd rov them tag nrho. Reboot, thiab rov pib dua.

Kab lus no piav qhia peb qhov kev ntsuas uas yuav pab txhim kho kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov khoom siv nrog iOS 11 lossis tom qab.

Yuav ua li cas Calibrate iPhone Screen Brightness

Yog lub iPhone Auto-Brightness sensor tsis ua haujlwm zoo, lub xov tooj teb tsis tsim nyog rau kev hloov pauv hauv teeb pom kev zoo. Qhov teeb meem yuav tshwm sim vim Auto-Brightness kho ib nrab raws li qhov chaw tus nqi tau teeb tsa thaum lub feature tau qhib.

Ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas thiaj rov kho tau qhov Auto-Brightness sensor:

  1. Qhib Settings app, scroll down, thiab xaiv Accessibility.
  2. Xaiv Display & Text Size, tom qab ntawd tua Auto-Brightness toggle hloov. Txav mus rau hauv chav tsaus lossis tsaus nti, ces tig lub Brightness txhua txoj kev kom lub vijtsam tsaus li sai tau.

    Txhawm rau nkag mus rau qhov ci ntsa iab los ntawm txhua qhov chaw ntawm iPhone, los so ntawm ntug hauv qab ntawm lub vijtsam (lossis nqes los ntawm sab saum toj ntawm iPhone X) txhawm rau qhib Chaw Tswj Xyuas.

  3. Tig rau Auto Brightness hloov mus, ces txav mus rau ib chav uas muaj teeb pom kev zoo kom pom tias nws pib qhov ci ua haujlwm zoo dua.

Yuav ua li cas Calibrate iPhone Motion Sensors thiab Compass

Ntau lub apps siv lub iPhone motion sensor, accelerometer, thiab compass. Thaum ib qho ntawm cov no tsis ua haujlwm zoo, lub iPhone rov qab kho lub app tau ntev npaum li qhov Chaw Pabcuam tau hloov mus.

Ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas thiaj paub tseeb tias koj lub cuab yeej tuav qhov no rau koj:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Tig rau Chaw Pabcuam toggle switch, ces scroll down thiab coj mus rhaub System Services.
  3. Tig rau Compass Calibration thiab Kev ntsuas ntsuas & nrug toggle keyboards.

  4. Lub iPhone siv koj cov ntaub ntawv qhov chaw los xyuas kom meej tias lub gyroscope, GPS, compass, thiab accelerometer ua haujlwm zoo.

Txhawm rau rov ntsuas lub Compass thiab cov lus tsa suab ntawm cov laus ntawm iOS, qhib Compass thiab ua si mini-game los ntawm dov lub pob liab ncig lub voj voog.

Yuav ua li cas Calibrate lub iPhone roj teeb

Lub iPhone roj teeb yuav tsum tau ntsuas thaum lub xov tooj muab feem pua tsis raug. Lub xov tooj yuav qhia tau qhov feem pua qis tab sis kav ntev li ib teev lossis ob zaug ntev dua. Los yog, nws yuav pom lub roj teeb puv thiab kaw tam sim ntawd. Calibrate lub roj teeb iPhone los kho txoj hauv kev hauv xov tooj saib thiab tshaj tawm cov feem pua ntawm cov roj teeb uas tseem tshuav.

  1. Tso lub xov tooj puv nkaus. Siv lub roj teeb kom txog thaum nws kaw.
  2. Cia lub xov tooj tawm thiab tshem tawm ib hmos kom lub roj teeb ntws tawm.
  3. Thaum lub xov tooj kaw, them nyiaj rau ob peb teev ntev dua li qhov tsim nyog coj mus rau 100 feem pua.
  4. Reboot lub xov tooj, tom qab ntawd ua ib qho soft reset (tseem hu ua qhov sov so).

Txoj kev los ua qhov rov pib dua nws txawv nrog tus qauv iPhone:

  • Rau cov qauv ua ntej tshaj iPhone 7 (xws li iPhone SE, 6S, 6, 5S, 5, 4S, thiab 4), ib txhij tuav lub Pleev / Wakekhawm thiab Home khawm rau 10 vib nas this.
  • Rau lub iPhone 7 thiab 7 Plus, tuav lub Volume Down khawm thiab Sleep/Wake khawm rau 10 vib nas this.
  • Rau iPhone X, 8, thiab 8 Plus, nias thiab tso tawm Volume Up, nias thiab tso lub Volume Down khawm, ces nias thiab tuav lub Side khawm kom txog thaum Apple logo tshwm.

Thaum lub xov tooj rov pib dua, nws yuav tsum qhia qhov tseeb dua ntawm nws cov xwm txheej roj teeb. Yog tias muaj teeb meem tshwm sim, nws yuav tsim nyog los hloov lub roj teeb.

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