Yuav ua li cas ntseeg ib qho app ntawm iPhone

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas ntseeg ib qho app ntawm iPhone
Yuav ua li cas ntseeg ib qho app ntawm iPhone

Yuav Paub

  • Txais ib qho app los ntawm sab nraud Apple Store: Mus Settings > General > Enterprise App, xaiv lub app, tom qab ntawd coj mus rhaub Trust thiab Qhia App.
  • Yog tias koj qhov chaw ua haujlwm tswj hwm koj lub cuab yeej: Mus rau Settings > General > Profiles, Profiles & Device Management, los yog Device Management.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas ntseeg ib qho app ntawm iPhone. Cov lus qhia siv rau iOS 9 thiab siab dua.

Yuav ua li cas tso siab rau iPhone App

Koj yuav tsum ntseeg tus tsim app nrog rau nws qhov chaw rub tawm. Yog tias koj tsis paub meej, tsis txhob tso siab rau lub app, vim tias koj cov ntaub ntawv tus kheej thiab iPhone tuaj yeem raug cuam tshuam.

  1. Download thiab nruab lub app.
  2. Thaum koj coj mus rhaub lub app qhib nws, cov lus qhia rau koj tias tus tsim tawm app tsis ntseeg ntawm iPhone. Coj mus rhaub Cancel txhawm rau kaw cov lus.
  3. Mus rau lub tsev tshuaj ntsuam iPhone thiab coj mus rhaub Settings.
  4. In the iOS Settings, scroll down and kais General.

  5. Scroll down and kais Profiles, Profiles & Device Management, or Device Management, nyob ntawm iOS no version.

    Tus Profiles / Device Management settings screen tsuas yog tshwm sim yog tias koj tus tswv hauj lwm tswj hwm koj lub cuab yeej. Ib tug neeg siv-qib iPhone lossis iPad tsis muaj qhov screen no.

  6. Nyob hauv ntu Enterprise App, coj mus rhaub lub npe profile rau tus tsim tawm ntawm qhov tsis ntseeg siab.
  7. Tap Trust [Developer Name]thiab paub meej tias koj xaiv.
  8. Tap Qhia App.


    Kev txheeb xyuas tsuas yog tshwm sim thaum koj muaj kev sib txuas hauv internet. Yog tias koj muaj lub tuam txhab tso tawm iPhone thiab tsis tuaj yeem txheeb xyuas lub app, lub firewall yuav thaiv qhov kev sib txuas. Nrog koj tus thawj coj saib xyuas kev pab.

Vim li cas Koj Thiaj Yuav Tsum Ntseeg thiab Txheeb Xyuas Cov Apps ntawm iOS?

Rau software uas tsis yog los ntawm Apple App Store, koj yuav tsum tau tso siab rau lub app kom tso nws tom qab kev teeb tsa tiav. Cov txheej txheem no feem ntau tsim nyog nrog kev lag luam apps uas tsim los ntawm tus tswv haujlwm rau kev siv sab hauv.

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