Nce Specks Los ntawm Scanned Duab hauv Photoshop Elements

Cov txheej txheem:

Nce Specks Los ntawm Scanned Duab hauv Photoshop Elements
Nce Specks Los ntawm Scanned Duab hauv Photoshop Elements

Los ntawm kev siv cov txhuam hniav thiab cov ntxaij lim dej, koj tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov plua plav thiab specks ntawm cov duab qub hauv Photoshop Elements yam tsis tas yuav nthuav tawm ntau dhau. Tib txheej txheem kuj ua haujlwm hauv Photoshop CC.

Cov lus qhia hauv kab lus no siv rau Photoshop Elements 2019 rau Windows thiab Mac.

Yuav ua li cas tshem plua plav Specks Nrog Photoshop Elements

Ib txoj hauv kev nrawm tshaj plaws los txo cov nqi kho kom raug rau txhua daim duab yog cov qoob loo yooj yim. Ua ntej koj pib, hlais koj cov duab kom lub focal point ze rau ib qho ntawm txoj kev xav ntawm peb qhov kev sib tshuam.

Thaum koj cov duab raug cropped, koj tuaj yeem ntxuav nws siv Cov Khoom:

  1. Qhib koj daim duab thiab xaiv lub Expert tab nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm qhov chaw ua haujlwm.

  2. Xaiv tus Spot Healing Brush tool.

  3. nias qhov chaw loj tshaj plaws los ua kom lawv sib xyaw nrog keeb kwm yav dhau. Kho qhov zoom kom koj tuaj yeem saib tus kheej pixels yog tias koj xav tau.

    Txhim kho qhov zoom rau 100%, ob npaug nyem rau Zoom tool, lossis siv cov keyboard shortcut Alt + Ctrl + 0 (rau Windows) lossis Option + Command +0 (rau Mac).

  4. Yog tias lub cuab yeej kho qhov muag tsis ua haujlwm, nias Ctrl + Z (ntawm Windows) lossis Command + Z (rau Mac) kom thim rov qab, thiab tom qab ntawd rov sim dua nrog tus txhuam loj sib txawv. Cov txhuam hniav loj dua yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws thaum thaj tsam ib puag ncig qhov tsis zoo yog ib qho xim zoo sib xws (xws li cov speck ntawm phab ntsa hauv cov duab piv txwv). Yog hais tias qhov blemish overlaps ib cheeb tsam ntawm cov xim txawv los yog kev ntxhib los mos (xws li kab ntawm tus me nyuam lub xub pwg nyom), siv ib tug txhuam uas nyuam qhuav npog qhov flaw.

    Thaum zoomed, koj tuaj yeem txav cov duab nyob ib puag ncig thaum koj ua haujlwm los ntawm nias lub spacebar kom hloov mus ib ntus mus rau Hand tool.

  5. Tom qab koj tau ua txhaum loj dua, xaiv Txheej > Dub txheej txheejkom duplicate txheej tom qab.

  6. Npe lub txheej tshiab Kev tshem tawm plua plav thiab xaiv OK.

  7. Xaiv tus Txoj Kev Tshem Tawm txheej hauv Layers palette, ces mus rau Filter > Noise > plua plav & khawb.

  8. Set the Radius to 3 thiab threshold rau 5 , ces xaiv OK.

    Qhov kev teeb tsa zoo tshaj plaws yuav nyob ntawm qhov kev daws teeb meem ntawm koj daim duab. Koj tseem yuav pom qhov poob ntawm cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb, tab sis nws yuav rov qab los rau hauv cov kauj ruam tom ntej.

  9. Nyob hauv Layers palette, hloov hom kev sib xyaw ntawm cov plua plav tshem tawm txheej rau Lighten. Koj yuav pom ntau yam nthuav dav rov qab los rau hauv daim duab, tab sis cov plua plav tsaus nti tseem nyob zais cia vim tias txheej tsuas cuam tshuam rau cov pixels tsaus.

    Yog cov plua plav pecks koj tab tom sim tshem tawm yog lub teeb ntawm qhov tsaus ntuj, siv Darken kev sib tov hloov pauv.

  10. Xaiv lub Eraser cuab yeej thiab siv tus txhuam loj, mos ntawm li 50% opacity los pleev xim rau txhua qhov chaw uas koj xav coj rov qab cov ntsiab lus qub.

    Yuav kom pom ntau npaum li cas koj tshem tawm, koj tuaj yeem kaw qhov pom ntawm cov txheej txheem keeb kwm yav dhau los ntawm nyem qhov eye ntawm ib sab ntawm nws hauv Layers palette.

  11. Thaum koj ua tiav, tig rov qab txheej txheej rov qab thiab mus rau Layer > Flatten Image.

    Yog tias koj pom tej qhov seem lossis qhov chaw, txhuam lawv nrog cov cuab yeej Spot Healing Brush.

  12. Xaiv lub Quick tab nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm qhov chaw ua haujlwm.

  13. Click the down-arrow ib sab Sharpen.

  14. Xaiv Auto kom tau txais cov duab ntse.

    To manually sharpen your image, go to Filter > Ntxoov > Unsharp Mask.

  15. Zoo rov qab mus rau qhov Tus Kws Tshaj Lij tab thiab xaiv Txheej > Txhim Kho Txheej Tshiab > Levels.

  16. Xaiv OK.

  17. Txhob tus sab laug-slider me ntsis mus rau sab xis txhawm rau txhawb cov duab ntxoov ntxoo thiab cov suab nruab nrab sib piv.


sim nrog cov chaw kom tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws rau koj daim duab. Thaum txaus siab, koj tuaj yeem txuag koj cov duab ua ib daim ntawv PSD lossis hauv koj cov duab uas koj nyiam.

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