Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Wi-Fi Password ntawm Koj Lub PC lossis Mac

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Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Wi-Fi Password ntawm Koj Lub PC lossis Mac
Yuav Ua Li Cas Nrhiav Wi-Fi Password ntawm Koj Lub PC lossis Mac

Yuav Paub

  • In Windows 10, mus rau Network and Sharing Center > Connections > network > Wireless Properties> Kev Ruaj Ntseg > Qhia Cim.
  • Nyob rau Mac, qhib Spotlight thiab mus rau Keychains > System >Passwords , double-click the network > Qhia password.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas rov qab tau tus password tsis nco qab Wi-Fi ntawm Windows 10, 8, lossis 7 thiab Mac. Cov lus qhia txawv me ntsis thaum hloov tus password ntawm Windows 10 vs. Windows 8 thiab 7.

Nrhiav koj tus password Wi-Fi Nrog Windows 10

Yog tias koj siv Windows PC, ntawm no yog yuav rov qab lo lus zais rau koj lub network Wi-Fi.

  1. mus rau Start menu.
  2. Select Settings.

    Cov chaw icon tshwm li iav dawb saum lub Hwj chim icon.

  3. In the Windows Settings qhov rais, xaiv Network & Internet.

  4. Nyob hauv Hloov koj lub network teeb tsa ntu, xaiv Network and Sharing Center.

  5. In the Network and Sharing Center qhov rais, mus rau Connections thiab xaiv lub npe ntawm koj lub network Wi-Fi.

  6. In the Wi-Fi Status dialog box, xaiv Wireless Properties.
  7. Nyob hauv Wireless Network Properties dialog box, mus rau Security tab thiab xaiv lub Qhia cov cimkos lub thawv.

  8. Copy tus password Wi-Fi.

Nrhiav koj tus password Wi-Fi Nrog Windows 8 thiab Windows 7

Nws tsuas yog yooj yim nrhiav koj tus password Wi-Fi ntawm qhov qub me ntsis ntawm Windows. Yog tias koj siv Windows 8 lossis Windows 7, ntawm no yog yuav rov qab lo lus zais rau koj lub network Wi-Fi.

  1. Xaiv qhov Start ntawv qhia.
  2. Nyob rau hauv Start Menu search bar, nkag mus Network and Sharing Center thiab nias lub Enter tus yuam sij thaum xaiv qhov tseem ceeb.
  3. In the Network and Sharing Center qhov rais, xaiv lub npe ntawm koj lub network Wi-Fi.
  4. Xaiv Wireless Properties.
  5. Mus rau Kev Ruaj Ntseg tab thiab xaiv Qhia Cimtxhawm rau nthuav tawm Wi-nkaus password.

Nrhiav Koj Wi-Fi Password ntawm Mac

Yog siv lub khoos phis tawj Apple nrog macOS, nkag mus rau Keychain Access app ntawm koj lub Mac.

  1. Qhib Spotlight. Tuav ntawm cov keyboard thiab nias lub spacebar. Tom qab ntawd, nkag mus Keychain Access thiab xaiv Enter.

    Ntawm no yog lwm txoj hauv kev los qhib qhov tsom teeb. Nyem lub magnifying iav iconnyob rau ntawm lub ces kaum sab xis ntawm lub vijtsam.

  2. In the Keychain Access qhov rais, mus rau Keychains vaj huam sib luag thiab xaiv System.

  3. Nyob hauv Qeb npe, xaiv Passwords.

  4. Cov kab ntawv sab xis ntawm txhua qhov System passwords khaws cia los ntawm koj Mac. Muab ob npaug rau-nias lub npe ntawm koj lub network Wi-Fi kom qhib nws qhov chaw.
  5. Hauv qhov chaw teeb tsa, nyem qhov Qhia tus password kos lub thawv. Thaum nug, nkag mus rau koj Mac username thiab password, ces xaiv Allow.


    Tsuas yog tus thawj tswj hwm lub cev tuaj yeem sau tus neeg siv lub npe thiab tus password. Yog tias koj tsuas yog tus account ntawm Mac, koj yog tus tswj hwm qhov system. Txwv tsis pub, sau tus username thiab password ntawm tus thawj coj saib tus password.

  6. Mac qhia tus password rau koj lub network Wi-Fi.

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