Yuav Ua Li Cas Nyeem Emails hauv Xov Nrog iPhone Xa Ntawv

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Yuav Ua Li Cas Nyeem Emails hauv Xov Nrog iPhone Xa Ntawv
Yuav Ua Li Cas Nyeem Emails hauv Xov Nrog iPhone Xa Ntawv

Yuav Paub

  • Turn on threading: Go to Settings > Mail. Hauv ntu Xov Xwm, tig rau Organize by Xov.
  • Tseem, xaiv Cov Xov Xwm Tsis ntev los no saum toj kom koj pom cov email tshiab hauv xov, tsis yog cov qub.
  • Nyob hauv Mail app, xov yuav coj zoo li ib tus email thaum koj chij, rho tawm, lossis xa nws.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas qhib threading hauv iPhone Mail app. Kab lus muaj cov lus qhia rau kev koom nrog hauv xov. Cov ntaub ntawv no siv tau rau iPhones nrog iOS 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, thiab 10.

Yuav ua li cas qhib xov hauv iPhone Xa ntawv

Ua raws li kev sib tham hauv email tuaj yeem nyuaj thaum koj lub inbox tau teem caij los ntawm lub sijhawm xa tuaj. Email threading yog qhib los ntawm lub neej ntawd ntawm iPhone los pab koj ua raws li kev sib tham. Txhua lub xov tooj suav nrog tus thawj email, tag nrho cov lus teb rau nws, thiab tag nrho cov xa tawm ntawm nws tau teem caij raws sijhawm.

Yog hais tias threaded sib tham raug kaw ntawm koj lub iPhone, ntawm no yog yuav ua li cas tig lawv rov qab kom koj thiaj li pom tau cov xov tiav.

  1. Mus rau lub tsev tshuaj ntsuam iPhone thiab coj mus rhaub Settings app.
  2. Scroll down thiab xaiv Mail.
  3. Scroll to the Threading thiab tig rau Organize by Thread toggle switch.


Nyob hauv Mail app cov npe, kho cov xov zoo li koj xav tau ib tus email thaum rho tawm, chij, lossis xa email. Koj qhov kev txiav txim siv tau rau txhua cov lus hauv kev sib tham.

Yuav ua li cas kaw xov hauv iPhone Xa ntawv

Yog tias koj tsis xav siv cov lus sib tham hauv email, koj tuaj yeem tua lawv los ntawm kev thim rov qab cov txheej txheem. Rov qab mus rau Threading seem ntawm Mail nyiam thiab tua Organize by Xov toggle switch.

Ntxiv Xov Xwm Ntxiv

Cov kev xaiv ntxiv hauv ntu Xov Xwm suav nrog:

  • Collapse Read Messages: Qhov teeb tsa Collapse Read Messages yog qhib los ntawm lub neej ntawd. Thaum qhib tau, tag nrho cov lus nyeem hauv xov tau tawg, ua kom yooj yim pom cov lus tshiab thaum qhib xov.
  • Cov lus tsis ntev los no saum toj: Qhov teeb tsa no tso cov lus tshiab tshaj plaws nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm cov xov tsis yog cov lus qub tshaj plaws.
  • Txoj Xov: Qhia txhua cov lus hauv xov, suav nrog cov lus uas tau tsiv mus rau lwm lub thawv ntawv.

Nyob rau kev koom tes hauv Xov

  • Nyob ntawm lub ncauj lus. Txhawm rau kom tsis txhob muaj cov xov xwm uas tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam, nyob twj ywm ntawm lub ncauj lus. Yog tias koj xav pib lub ntsiab lus tshiab, xa email sib txawv thiab cia nws morph rau hauv xov ntawm nws tus kheej.
  • Strip cov duab tsis tsim nyog xws li tuam txhab logos.
  • Restate your point or the first purpose of the thread if the original email is faus tob rau hauv xov.
  • Ceeb toom rau txhua tus hauv xov thaum koj ntxiv ib tus tshiab rau hauv xov.

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