Yuav ua li cas luam theej duab QR Code ntawm Samsung

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas luam theej duab QR Code ntawm Samsung
Yuav ua li cas luam theej duab QR Code ntawm Samsung

Yuav Paub

  • Nyob hauv lub koob yees duab app, coj mus rhaub rau Settings gear, thiab qhib Scan QR codes. Tom qab ntawd, taw tes lub koob yees duab ntawm QR code.
  • Ntawm Samsungs qub, qhib lub koob yees duab thiab coj mus rhaub Bixby Vision, tom qab ntawd los so sab laug mus rau QR Code scanner.
  • Yog tias koj muaj duab lossis screenshot ntawm QR code, siv Samsung Internet app tus tsim-hauv QR code scanner.

Kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas luam theej duab QR code ntawm Samsung. Cov lus qhia siv dav rau txhua lub xov tooj Samsung thiab ntsiav tshuaj.

Samsung puas muaj QR scanner?

Txhua Samsungs muaj cov cuab yeej tsim hauv QR scanning. Muaj ntau txoj hauv kev los luam theej QR cov lej nrog Samsung ntaus ntawv:

  • Siv lub koob yees duab app
  • Siv cov vuas nrawm
  • Siv Bixby Vision
  • Siv Samsung Internet app

Kuv Yuav Scan QR Code Nrog Kuv Samsung Li Cas?

Koj cov kev xaiv rau luam theej duab QR cov lej nyob ntawm koj tus qauv. Yog ib txoj hauv kev hauv qab no tsis ua haujlwm, sim ua lwm yam.

Scan QR Codes Nrog Samsung Lub Koob Yees Duab App

Yog tias koj lub Samsung ntaus ntawv khiav Android 9 lossis tom qab ntawd, Lub Koob Yees Duab app muaj lub tshuab luam ntawv QR built-in. Nov yog yuav ua li cas thiaj pab tau nws:

  1. Qhib lub koob yees duabapp.
  2. Tap the Settings gear.
  3. Tig rau Scan QR codes yog tias nws tsis tau qhib. Koj tsuas tau ua qhov no ib zaug xwb.

  4. Rov qab mus rau lub koob yees duab app thiab taw tes rau ntawm QR code.
  5. Tuav lub koob yees duab rau ob peb feeb. Lub app yuav nyeem QR code. Coj mus rhaub lub qhov rais pop-up kom ua raws li qhov txuas.


Scan QR Codes ntawm Quick Vuas

Samsung li nrog Android 9 thiab nce kuj tseem muaj QR scanner shortcut hauv Quick Vuas zaub mov:

  1. Swipe down los ntawm sab saum toj ntawm lub vijtsam ob zaug kom qhib cov Vuas nrawm.
  2. Tap Scan QR code.

    Yog koj tsis pom Scan QR code pobzeb, los so sab xis thiab coj mus rhaub Add (+), tom qab ntawd rub nws mus rau hauv koj cov vuas nrawm.

  3. Thaum lub koob yees duab app qhib, taw tes rau ntawm QR code txhawm rau luam theej nws.

    Yog QR Code tsis luam theej duab, coj mus rhaub rau Settings Gear thiab kom paub tseeb tias Scan QR codes yog enabled.


Scan QR Codes Nrog Samsung Bixby Vision

Yog tias koj muaj Samsung ntaus ntawv qub, koj tuaj yeem luam theej QR cov lej siv Bixby Vision:

  1. Qhib lub koob yees duabapp.
  2. Tap Bixby Vision. Coj mus rhaub Allow yog tias tau thov.
  3. Swipe laug mus rau qhov QR Code scanner.
  4. Taw koj lub koob yees duab ntawm QR code txhawm rau luam theej nws.


Scan QR Codes hauv Web Browser lossis Los Ntawm Koj Cov Duab

Yog tias koj muaj daim duab ntawm QR code, lossis koj pom QR code online, koj tuaj yeem luam theej nws siv Samsung Internet app.

  1. Siv koj lub xov tooj Samsung, thaij duab lossis yees duab QR code koj xav luam theej duab.
  2. Qhib Samsung Internet app.
  3. Tap the three-line menu.
  4. Tap Settings.

    Yog koj pom QR code scanner nyob rau hauv lub qhov rais pop-up, coj mus rhaub nws thiab hla mus rau kauj ruam 9.

  5. Tap Layout and menu > Customize Menu.

    Ntawm qee cov khoom siv, coj mus rhaub Cov yam ntxwv zoo hauv cov ntawv qhia zaub mov kom pab tus nyeem QR code.

  6. Tap thiab tuav QR code scanner, ces luag nws mus rau hauv qab qhov rais.
  7. Tap Back (<) rov qab mus rau qhov browser.

  8. Coj mus rhaub rau peb kab ntawv qhia dua, tom qab ntawd coj mus rhaub QR code scanner (koj yuav tsum mus rau hauv qhov pop-up menu nrhiav nws). Muab tso cai rau lub app siv koj lub koob yees duab yog tias tau thov.

  9. Siv koj lub koob yees duab los luam theej duab QR code, lossis coj mus rhaub Photo icon xaiv daim duab ntawm koj lub cuab yeej.
  10. Xaiv daim duab lossis screenshot ntawm QR code. Koj lub xov tooj yuav cia li luam theej duab nws thiab qhib qhov txuas hauv browser.


Vim li cas kuv Samsung tsis luam theej QR cov lej?

Tshawb xyuas koj lub koob yees duab cov chaw kom paub tseeb tias QR scanning tau qhib. Koj lub Samsung ntaus ntawv yuav tsis txhawb nqa txhua txoj hauv kev tau teev tseg saum toj no. Yog tias tsis muaj leej twg ua haujlwm rau koj, rub tawm ib qho app rau scan QR cov lej ntawm Android.

Lwm yam ua tau uas koj tsis tuaj yeem luam theej QR code suav nrog:

  • Koj tuav koj lub koob yees duab ntawm lub kaum sab xis.
  • Koj lub xov tooj ze dhau lossis deb dhau.
  • Lub teeb tsaus dhau.
  • Lub koob yees duab lo ntsiab muag qias neeg.
  • Tus lej me dhau los lossis qhov muag plooj.
  • Qr code txuas tau tas sij hawm.


    Kuv yuav ua li cas QR code?

    Koj yuav tsum siv lub app thib peb los ua koj tus kheej QR code. Koj tuaj yeem sim qhov kev xaiv online. Ua tib zoo, txawm li cas los xij, thiab tsuas yog nkag mus rau cov ntaub ntawv tus kheej rau hauv ib qho app lossis lub platform los ntawm tus tsim muaj npe thiab ntseeg tau.

    Kuv yuav luam theej QR code ntawm iPhone li cas?

    Hauv iOS 11 thiab tom qab ntawd, koj tuaj yeem luam theej QR cov lej los ntawm onboard Lub Koob Yees Duab app. Qhib lub app thiab taw tes lub koob yees duab ntawm tus lej, thiab nws yuav cia li nyeem nws thiab muab qhov txuas uas koj tuaj yeem luam tawm, sib qhia, lossis qhib.

    "QR code" txhais li cas?

    Tus "QR" sawv cev rau "Kev teb sai." Lub kaw lus pib hauv xyoo 1994, thaum Denso Wave engineer Masahiro Hara tau tsim nws kom yooj yim taug qab tsheb thiab qhov chaw thaum tsim khoom.

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