Yuav ua li cas Siv Outlook.com Keyboard Shortcuts

Cov txheej txheem:

Yuav ua li cas Siv Outlook.com Keyboard Shortcuts
Yuav ua li cas Siv Outlook.com Keyboard Shortcuts

Rau ntau txoj haujlwm rov ua dua, koj tuaj yeem pom Outlook.com cov keyboard shortcuts zoo tshwj xeeb. Koj tsis tas yuav nco ntsoov lawv txhua tus, thiab tej zaum koj twb tau paub qee yam los ntawm lwm cov kev pabcuam email thiab Windows.

Cov lus qhia hauv kab lus no siv rau Outlook.com thiab Outlook Online.

Enable Outlook.com Keyboard Shortcuts

Txhawm rau qhib lossis kaw Outlook.com keyboard shortcuts:

  1. Select Settings.

  2. Xaiv View all Outlook settings.

  3. Xaiv General> Accessibility.

  4. Select Outlook.com.

  5. Yog tias koj tsis xav siv Outlook.com keyboard shortcuts, xaiv ib qho ntawm cov hauv qab no:

    Yahoo Yahoo! Mail

  6. : Siv Yahoo! Xa ntawv keyboard shortcuts hauv Outlook.com.
  7. Gmail: Siv Gmail keyboard shortcuts hauv Outlook.com.
  8. Outlook: Siv tus qauv Outlook shortcuts.
  9. Tawm cov keyboard shortcuts: Txhawm rau kaw cov keyboard shortcuts hauv Outlook.com.
  10. Xaiv Save.

  11. Xaiv tus X txhawm rau kaw Chaw.

Siv Outlook.com Keyboard Shortcuts

Txhawm rau tswj email nrawm hauv Outlook.com, siv cov keyboard shortcuts hauv qab no:

Compose Emails:

  • N: Pib cov lus tshiab.
  • Ctrl+ Enteror Alt+ S: Xa cov lus xaiv.
  • R: Teb rau cov lus xaiv.
  • A lossis Shift+ R: Teb tag nrho rau cov lus xaiv.
  • Shift+ F: Xa mus rau cov lus xaiv.
  • Ctrl+ S: Txuag cov lus xaiv ua ib daim qauv.
  • Esc: Tshem tawm cov cua ntsawj ntshab.
  • Ctrl+ K: Insert a hyperlink.

Kev Ua Email Ntxiv:

  • Ctrl+ Z: Undo the last action.
  • Del lossis Delete: Rho tawm cov lus xaiv.
  • Shift+ Delete: Permanently delete the selected message.
  • Shift+ E: Tsim ib daim nplaub tshev tshiab.
  • Q: Kos cov lus xaiv raws li nyeem.
  • U: Kos cov lus xaiv ua tsis tau nyeem.
  • Ins los yog Insert: Chij cov lus xaiv
  • E: Archive
  • J: Kos cov lus xaiv ua khib nyiab
  • V: Tsiv mus rau ib phau ntawv
  • C: Qeb cov lus xaiv

Read Email:

  • O los yog Enter: Qhib cov lus xaiv.
  • Shift+ Enter: Qhib cov lus xaiv hauv qhov rais tshiab.
  • Esc: Kaw cov lus xaiv.
  • Ctrl+. (lub sijhawm): Qhib cov khoom tom ntej.
  • Ctrl+, (comma): Qhib cov khoom dhau los.
  • X: Nthuav lossis rhuav tshem kev sib tham.

View the Email List:

  • Ctrl+ A: Xaiv tag nrho cov lus.
  • Esc: Clear all messages.
  • Home or Ctrl+Home: Xaiv thawj cov lus.

Navigation thiab lwm yam:

  • Ctrl+ Shift+ 1: Mus rau Mail.
  • Ctrl+ Shift+ 2: Mus rau Calendar.
  • Ctrl+ Shift+ 3: Mus rau People.
  • Ctrl+ Shift+ 4: Mus rau Tasks.
  • G then I: Go to Inbox.
  • G then D: Go to Drafts.
  • G then S: Go to Sent.
  • / (forward slash): Nrhiav koj tus email.
  • ? (cov lus nug): Qhia kev pab.

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