Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Nkauj Hauv TeamSpeak 3 ntawm Lub Computer

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Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Nkauj Hauv TeamSpeak 3 ntawm Lub Computer
Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Nkauj Hauv TeamSpeak 3 ntawm Lub Computer

Yuav Paub

  • Install WinAmp, VAC, thiab DSEO. Qhib TeamSpeak > txuas rau server. Qhib lwm TeamSpeak.
  • Nyob hauv TeamSpeak thib ob, txuas mus rau tib lub server > hloov lub npe rau Jukebox. Mus rau Tools > Options.
  • Xaiv Capture > Capture Device > xaiv Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable) > OK > Txoj kev sib kis.

Cov kab lus no piav qhia yuav ua li cas ntaus nkauj hauv VoIP tham app TeamSpeak rau Windows siv Winamp Media Player kom koj thiab koj cov phooj ywg tuaj yeem mloog tib lub suab thaum sib tham yam tsis muaj suab nrov tom qab. Cov lus qhia npog TeamSpeak 3 rau Windows 10, 8, thiab 7.

Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Nkauj Hauv TeamSpeak

Txhawm rau mloog suab paj nruag thiab sib tham tib lub sijhawm hauv TeamSpeak, khiav ntau zaus ntawm qhov program. Thawj daim ntawv luam ntawm TeamSpeak yuav yog koj lub suab sib txuas, thiab daim ntawv thib ob yuav tso suab paj nruag los ntawm Winamp. Qhov kev teeb tsa no xav kom koj hloov koj qhov kev teeb tsa Windows thiab nruab qee qhov software ntxiv.

  1. Download tau qhov tseeb version ntawm Winamp thiab nruab rau hauv koj lub computer.

  2. Download thiab nruab Virtual Audio Cable (VAC).

    Thaum koj nruab VAC, nws xaiv nws tus kheej ua lub cuab yeej ua ntej. Nyem rau tus hais lus lub cim hauv lub luag haujlwm thiab xaiv koj cov neeg hais lus kom tig rov qab rau.

  3. mus rau Windows search bar, nkag mus System Config, ces xaiv System Configuration.

  4. Xaiv lub Tools tab.

  5. Select Change UAC Settings.

  6. Xaiv Launch.

  7. Txhob tus slider ntawm sab laug mus rau Tsis txhob ceeb toom, ces xaiv OK.

  8. Download and install Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO).

  9. Thaum lub sijhawm teeb tsa DSEO, xaiv Enable Test Mode, ces xaiv Tom ntej. Koj yuav raug ceeb toom kom rov pib koj lub computer.

    Koj yuav tsum rov pib lub computer ua ntej koj tuaj yeem txuas ntxiv.

  10. Qhib Winamp thiab xaiv Options > Preferences.

    Cov keyboard shortcut rau Preferences yog Ctrl+P.

  11. In the Winamp Preferences dialog box, mus rau sab laug pane thiab xaiv Output, ces xaiv Null DirectSound Output.

  12. Nyob hauv Null DirectSound Output Settings dialog box, xaiv lub ntaus ntawv nco-down xub thiab xaiv Kab 1 (Virtual Audio Cable), ces xaiv OK.

  13. Right-click lub TeamSpeak 3 shortcut icon ntawm koj lub desktop thiab xaiv Properties.

  14. Add - nosingleinstance (ua ntej los ntawm qhov chaw) mus rau qhov kawg ntawm cov ntawv hauv Target teb. Nws yuav tsum zoo li no:

    "C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\ts3client_win64.exe" -nosingleinstance

    Ntxiv cov lus txib - nosingleinstance rau qhov shortcut tso cai rau ntau qhov xwm txheej ntawm qhov kev pab cuam khiav ib txhij.

  15. Select Apply, ces xaiv OK.

    Tej zaum koj yuav raug ceeb toom kom muab koj tus password rau Windows.

  16. Launch TeamSpeak thiab txuas mus rau ib tus neeg rau zaub mov uas siv koj lub suab ID nkag mus, tom qab ntawd ob npaug nyem rau TeamSpeak 3 desktop shortcut kom qhib lwm qhov piv txwv ntawm TeamSpeak hauv ib lub qhov rai cais.

  17. Nyob rau hauv daim ntawv thib ob ntawm TeamSpeak, txuas mus rau tib lub server raws li koj thawj zaug nkag, tab sis hloov tus neeg siv Nickname rau Jukebox as tus ID nkag mus thib ob no yuav yog koj lub suab paj nruag.

  18. Hauv qhov piv txwv thib ob ntawm TeamSpeak (Jukebox), mus rau Tools > Options.

    Keyboard shortcut yog Alt+P.

  19. Xaiv Capture, ces xaiv lub Capture Device poob xub thiab xaiv Kab 1 (Virtual Audio Cable).

  20. Xaiv Nruam Kev Sib Txuas, tom qab ntawd xaiv lub thawv kos hauv qab no:

    • Nco txo qis
    • Ncua tseg
    • Advanced Options
    • Txhob suab nrov nrov
    • Tsis Siv Neeg Gain Control
  21. Select Apply, ces xaiv OK.


Tam sim no thaum koj ntaus suab paj nruag los ntawm Winamp, nws yuav ntws los ntawm Jukebox rau lwm tus neeg siv TeamSpeak hnov. Thaum lub sij hawm siv, qhov teeb tsa no zoo dua los ua suab paj nruag ntawm koj cov neeg hais lus thaum sim tham.

Cov chaw no tsis tau txais kev cawmdim thaum koj kaw TeamSpeak, yog li rov ua cov kauj ruam 15 txog 20 txhua zaus koj nkag mus. Nws yog qhov yooj yim tshaj tawm koj ob tus ID nkag mus thaum koj nyob deb ntawm cov keyboard.

Hais tus neeg rau zaub mov los tsim ib qho AFK channel rau koj nres koj cov logins kom koj tsis txhob tawm mus.

Ncig Ua Si Ua Si hauv TeamSpeak 3

Muaj ob peb kauj ruam ntxiv uas koj tuaj yeem ua los txhim kho lub suab zoo:

  • Ntawm Jukebox, kaw koj tus ID sib tham tsis tu ncua kom tsis txhob muaj suab nrov.
  • Mute cov neeg hais lus rau Jukebox kom tiv thaiv cov suab paj nruag los ntawm kev ua si ob zaug hauv koj lub mloog pob ntseg.
  • Khaws lub suab paj nruag qis thiab cia lwm tus neeg siv manually tig lub ntim ntawm lawv qhov kawg.

Yog lwm tus neeg siv TeamSpeak mutes lub suab paj nruag, lawv tseem yuav mute koj tus account tham. Qhov no yog vim TeamSpeak koom nrog koj tus IP chaw nyob nrog ob tus neeg nkag.

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